An event you won’t want to miss: The VIM, BETTER BLOOD FLOW Health Seminar!

Come enjoy breakfast -- on us -- at Denny's.

SATURDAY, MAY 25 at 9 am
3155 Ryan Dr. SE

Join us to Learn all about ECP "Flow" Therapy, meet our Nurse Practitioner/ECP Therapy expert, Tracie. You'll enjoy a highly educational presentation while you eat, followed by a Q&A session.

Don't miss out on this opportunity learn how you can drastically improve your health with non-invasive/drug and pain free ECP "Flow" Therapy,

This event is LIMITED to 35 participants only, so make sure to reserve your spot now!

Come and enjoy a health event that will change your life, and when you leave, you’ll understand why we say:

“Better Blood Flow...Better HEALTH.”

Sign up for the seminar: